Coach’s choice (general stretches, increase core temperature and heart rate)
2) Specific Warm-up:
3 Rounds
5 Hang Clean High Pulls
5 Muscle Cleans
5 Front Squats
3) Olympic Lifting:
15 min block:
6 x Hang Power Cleans @40%
4 x Hang Power Cleans @50%
2 x Hang Power Cleans @60%
Hang Power Clean unbroken sets:
2 x 10 (goal is @> or = to 62.5%)
2 x 7 (goal is @> or = to 67.5%)
2 x 4 (goal is @> or = to 72.5%)
*complete heaviest weight you can at each weight
4) MetCon:
EMOM 11:
Minutes 1-3: 10 Russian KB Swings + Max MB Russian Twists in time remaining
Minute 4: Rest
Minutes 5-7: 10 Russian KB Swings + Max Ring Rows in time remaining
Minute 8: Rest
Minutes 9-11: 10 Russian KB Swings + Max Wall Balls in time remaining
*Pace: Aggressive: 200 Total Reps, Solid: 180 Total Reps, Limit: 150 Total Reps
*reps = twists + ring rows + wall balls
*unbroken on the swings, steady pace on all other movements
Beginner: 26/18, 10/8
Intermediate: 35/25, 14/10
Advanced: 53/35, 201/4
Sport: 70/53, 20/14