Skill Work:
Clean technical work (focus on good positions when stringing together touch n’ go reps)
Toes to Bar (work rhythm and getting a solid pulldown with straight arms
Open Workout 11.5
As Many Rounds and Reps as Possible in 20 minutes:
5 Power Cleans
10 Toes to Bar
15 Wall Balls
*Pace: Aggressive: 11 Rounds, Solid: 10 Rounds, Limit: 8 Rounds
*Cleans: focus on keeping your chest up as you string reps together, good hip pop and fast elbows, go to singles as needed later in the workout
*T2B: try to keep it to no more than 3 sets as the workout gets into the back half
*Wall Balls: no more than two sets as the workout gets into the back half
Beginner: 95/65, 10/8
Intermediate: 115/75, 14/10
Advanced: 145/100, 20/14
Sport: 145/100, 20/14