3 Rounds:
5,4,3 Bench Press @50, 60, 70%
15 Band Face Pulls
Upper Body Strength
12-minute time block:
Work to Bench 1-rep max
4 Rounds For Time:
15 Handstand Push-ups
15 Pull-ups
400m Run
*Pace Goal: 13:00-15:00
*HSPU: try for 3 sets or less each round, be smart in the first couple rounds, when they go they go
*Pull-ups: try for 3 sets of less each round
*Run: 2:30 or less, adjust accordingly
Beginner: Double DB Strict Press, Ring Rows, 200-300m Run
Intermediate: Modified HSPU, Jumping/banded pull-ups
Advanced: as is
Sport: Deficit 4/2”, Chest to Bar