Skill Work:
2-3 sets of 5-10 reps of kip swings
2-3 sets of 3-5 reps of kip to swing to pull
*more advanced athletes can work on their butterfly pull-up rhythm
2-3 Rounds:
100m Jog
5 Pull-ups (or scaled version)
As Many Rounds and Reps as Possible in 20 minutes
400m Run
Max Unbroken Pull-ups
*Pace Goal: steady pace on the run, empty it out on the pull-ups each time
Beginner: 200m Run, 20 Ring Rows
Intermediate: if you cannot at least do 11+ unbroken pull-ups each time then I recommend doing an AMRAP of 200m Run and 10 pull-ups that do not have to be unbroken, utilize jumping/banded pull-ups as needed
Advanced: as is
Sport: chest to bar