3 Rounds:
20 Flutter Kicks
30sec Side Plank (15sec each side)
Auxiliary Strength:
Alternating Every Minute on the Minute for 10 minutes (5 sets each):
20 Single Arm/Single Leg V-ups (10 each side)
10 T-Spine Rotations (5 each side)
*slow and controlled
As Many Rounds and Reps as Possible in 15 minutes:
20 Single DB Box Step-overs
30 Single DB Shoulder to Overhead
40 Double Unders
*Pace Goal: 4-5 Rounds
*Step-overs: hold the DB wherever you want, both feet must touch the top of the box before going off the other side, steady pace
*S2OH: switch hands whenever you need to, push press or push jerk are the most efficient…if you can strict press you are using too light of a DB :)
*Double Unders: shoot for no more than two sets throughout the workout
Beginner: 25/15, 16/12”, Line Hops
Intermediate: 35/20, 20/16”, 50 Single Unders
Advanced: 50/35, 24/20”
Sport: 70/50, 24/20”