3 Rounds:
10/8 Bike
10 KB Swings
10 Box Step-overs
For Time:
200 Double Unders
100 Russian KB Swings
50 MB Box Step-overs
25 Sprawl to MB Slam
*EVERY 3 MINUTES: 15/10 Calorie Bike, starting at 0:00
*if needed you can stagger the start by 1 or 2 minutes so that everyone can use the bike that way they can be on different minutes when doing the bike
*Pace Goal: 24:00-28:00
*Double Unders: go for big sets each time
*Swings: 4 sets or less
*Step-overs: hold the MB wherever, try to just keep steady movement
*Sprawl to Slam: push hard to finish and not have to do another bike round
Beginner: Line Hops, 26/18, Light MB, 16/12”, MB Slams only, 10/8 Bike
Intermediate: 300 Singles, 35/26, 35/20, 20/16”
Advanced: 53/35, 50/35, 24/20”
Sport: 70/53, 50/35, 24/20”