Specific Warm-up:
PVC Lat Stretch
PVC Ankle Mobility
10 PVC Good Mornings
10 Overhead Squats
Lower Body Strength
15-minute time block:
Back Squat
5 sets of 5 reps @75-85%
*these should be HEAVY sets, plenty of time to take rest, lift heavy enough to need the rest, the 15 minutes would allow a set every 3 minutes, for those who cannot yet lift heavy enough to need this much rest you could have them go every 90 seconds (10 sets) to work on technique and repetition
*next week we are back to triples to reach a 3-rep max
As Many Rounds and Reps as Possible in 8 minutes:
6 Deadlift
4 Hang Power Cleans
2 Wall Walks
*Pace: Aggressive: 8 Rounds, Solid: 7 Rounds, Limit: 6 Rounds
*Deadlift: quick touch n’ go reps, keep chest up and core braced
*Hang Power Cleans: try to keep going right from the deadlift into these reps, good hip pop and drop, make sure elbows get in front of the barbell before going back down for the next rep
*Wall walks: work short quick steps with your hands, control yourself on the way down
Beginner: 95/65, wall walk as far up the wall as you can
Intermediate: 135/95, wall walk as far up the wall as you can
Advanced: 155/105
Sport: 165/115