Coach’s choice (general stretches, increase core temperature and heart rate)
2) Specific Warm-up:
3 Rounds
10 Lunges
10 Banded Good Mornings
10 Banded Tricep Extensions
3) Lower/Core Body Strength:
Alternating Every minute on the minute for 10 minutes
8 Double KB Lateral Lunges (4 each leg)
6 Barbell RDLs
4) MetCon:
As Many Rounds and Reps as Possible in 15 minutes:
15 AbMat Sit-ups
12 Russian KB Swings
9 Handstand Push-ups
*Pace: 7 Rounds, Solid: 6 Rounds , Limit: 5 Rounds
Beginner: 12/9/6 reps, 35/26, Barbell Push Press @45/35
Intermediate: 53/35, Barbell Push Press @75/55
Advanced: 70/53
Sport: Double KB swings @53/35