Coach’s choice (general stretches, increase core temperature and heart rate)
2) Specific Warm-up:
3 Rounds
10 Wall Balls
10 Barbell Upright Rows
20 Lateral Hops over Barbell
3) MetCon:
10 Thrusters
10 Sumo Deadlift High Pull
100m Single KB Farmer’s Carry
*Pace: Aggressive: 7 Rounds, Solid: 6 Rounds, Limit: 5 Rounds
*how long can you stay unbroken on the thrusters and SDLHPs? Steady pace on the carry, switch hands when needed
Beginner: 45/35, 26/18
Intermediate: 75/55, 35/26
Advanced: 95/65, 53/35
Sport: 115/75, 70/53
4) Optional Accessory:
8-minute time block:
50 Barbell Wrist Curls
50 Barbell Skull Crushers
*empty barbell