Coach’s choice (general stretches, increase core temperature and heart rate)
3 Rounds
10 x Single KB Lunges
10 x Windmills (no weight)
3) Skill Work: Pistols
Alternating Every Minute on the Minute for 12 minutes (6 sets each):
KB Windmills x 5 each side (VIDEO)
Box Pistols x 5 each side
*1/4 or 1/2 (VIDEO), Full (VIDEO)
*Sport: full box pistol with weight
4) MetCon:
As Many Rounds and Reps as Possible in 5 minutes:
10 x Single Arm KB Swings
10 x Box Jumps
—2 minutes rest—
As Many Reps as Possible in 5 minutes:
50/40 x Calorie Row
Max Single KB Box Step-overs with remaining time
*goal is to complete the row in 3 minutes or less
*start people on different sections if needed because of class size
*Pace: Aggressive: 5 Rounds/40 reps, Solid: 4 Rounds/30 reps, Limit: 3 Rounds/20 reps
Beginner: 26/18, 16/12”
Intermediate: 35/26, 20/16”
Advanced: 53/35, 24/20”
Sport: 70/53, 24/20”