0:00-15:00 General/Specific Warm-up
15:00-20:00 Transition to Strength
20:00-32:00 Strength
32:00-43:00 Transition to WOD
43:00-55:00 WOD
55:00-60:00 Cool-down
General Warm-up
3 rounds
Thread the Needle
Child’s pose (middle and both sides)
Pigeon Stretch
Specific Warm-up
3 Rounds
10,8,6 on Bench Press (build up in weight)
6,8,10 on Inverted Rows
*Round 1 is 10 bench/6 inverted rows, etc.
Bench Press Strength Cluster: 3 sets
1 rep every 20 seconds for 2 minutes (7 reps) @70, 75, 77%
—1 minute rest between rounds—
*reps at 0:00, 0:20, 0:40, 1:00, 1:20, 1:40, 2:00
Inverted Rows 3x12
Strength Clusters allow you to lift a weight for a certain amount of reps that you normally would not be able to do if the reps were connected. For today this is 7 reps at 70-77% as singles instead of 7 connected reps
3 minute running clock after the clusters
As described for the Bench clusters (9 minutes), EMOM 3 for the two sets of inverted rows
This gives them 1 minute rest after the last set of bench press to move the bench out of the way for the inverted rows
WOD Prep
2-3 Rounds
8 Wall Balls
6 AbMat Sit-ups
4 Unbroken Power Snatch
Every 4 minutes for 12 minutes
20 Wall Balls @20/14
16 AbMat Sit-ups
12 Unbroken Power Snatch (choose load, decrease 2 reps each round)
SCORE: Weight for reps of 12, 10 and 8
PACE GOAL: Complete wall balls and sit-ups in 1:30 or less, complete the snatches by the 3:00 mark to leave time for rest and plate change
Push and Pray…interval style
Wall balls will get the heart rate up, sit-ups will level it out or slightly decrease it, connected power snatch will spike it again
The third round will be…”fun” :)
No more than 2 sets on wall balls, complete in under 1 minute
Steady pace on the sit-ups, breath and try to level off or get your heart rate down a bit
Take an extra breathe before picking up the barbell, breath at the top of each rep with a slight pause then to the thighs before going to the ground to touch n’ go the next rep
Error on the side of the lower weight of what you are thinking on the 12 and build from there
BEGINNER: 15 Wall Ball Thrusters, 12 AbMat Sit-ups, 9 Push-ups (regular, knees or hands elevated)
SCALED: 14/10 and/or the snatch reps are not unbroken
FIT February Day 1
30 Burpees for time