0:00-20:00 General/Specific Warm-up
20:00-25:00 Transition to Endurance
25:00-50:00 Endurance
50:00-60:00 Cool-down
General Warm-up
3 rounds
Child’s Pose
Seated Groin Stretch
Lying Hamstring Stretch
PVC Pass Throughs
PVC Around the Worlds
PVC Overhead Squats
Endurance Prep
3 Rounds
Snatch Complex: 2 Alt. DB Snatch + 2 Single DB Overhead Squats
10/8 Calorie Row
25 minute time block
Partner For Reps
12 x Snatch Complex: 4 Alt. DB Snatch + 4 Single DB Overhead Squats @50/35
50/45/40 Calorie Row (male/mixed/female)
10 x Snatch Complex: 4 Alt. DB Snatch + 4 Single DB Overhead Squats @50/35
40/36/32 Calorie Row
8 x Snatch Complex: 4 Alt. DB Snatch + 4 Single DB Overhead Squats @50/35
30/27/24 Calorie Row
6 x Snatch Complex: 4 Alt. DB Snatch + 4 Single DB Overhead Squats @50/35
20/18/16 Calorie Row
4 x Snatch Complex: 4 Alt. DB Snatch + 4 Single DB Overhead Squats @50/35
Max Calorie Row with remaining time
PACE GOAL: 20:00-22:00 for all the work until the max calorie row
The 12 Snatch Complexes = 96 reps
The 10 Snatch Complexes = 80 reps
The 8 Snatch Complexes = 64 reps
The 6 Snatch Complexes = 48 reps
The 4 Snatch Complexes = 32 reps
Making it all the way to the max calorie row would be 320 reps from the Snatch Complex and 112-140 reps from the row depending on if you were a male, mixed or female team
Steady Eddy or Betty
The work to rest ratio with your partner should allow you to find a good pace from the start and maintain throughout
Back and forth, one snatch complex at a time, focus on quality reps
Split the row in half
Depending on how much time you have left at the end, a time based strategy for the max calorie row is usually best
If mobility will severely limit their weight for the complex then I would keep the weight and do 4 Alt. DB Snatch + 4 DB Goblet Squats
SCALED: 35/20
Rx+: 70/50
JACKEDuary Day 6
50 Renegade Rows (25 each arm, VIDEO)