#1: “Pack your bags”

Alt. EMOM 10: right hand first minute, left hand second minute, alternate for 10 min

10 x Single Arm Suitcase Deadlift

8 x Single Arm Hang Snatches

6 x Single Arm Overhead Squats

*minute 1 complete all movements with your right hand, minute 2 all movements with your left hand, keep alternating for 10 min

#2: “Jump Around”

EMOM 10:

9 x KB Swings

8 x KB Lunge and Pass

7 x Burpee over KB

#3: “Swing set”

Alt. EMOM 10: right hand in the first minute, left hand in the second minute, alternate for 10 min

8 x Single Arm Swings

4 x Single Arm Clean & Jerks

8 x Single Arm Goblet Squats

*minute 1 complete all movements with your right hand, minute 2 all movements with your left hand, keep alternating for 10 min

#4: “Pick yourself up”

Alt. EMOM 10:

2 x Turkish Get-ups

10 x Single Arm KB Rows (5 each) + 10 x Burpee to single KB Deadlift (suitcase or sumo deadlift)

*you can use 2 KB’s if you have them for the rows and the deadlift, TGU in the first minute, rows and burpee DL in the second minute

#5: “Russian Clusters”

Alt. EMOM 10:

20 x Russian Swings

16 x Single Arm Clusters

*swings in the first minute, clusters in the second minute, alternate for 10 min