KB #1a “Throw your hands up” (progess to 1b and 1c options, see below)


American Swings x 10

Snatches right x 5

OHS right x 5

Snatches left x 5

OHS left x 5

*focus on doing the swings unbroken, quick break, right hand unbroken, quick break, left hand unbroken, quick break

*after completing workouts 1-5, 1b will be reps of 16,8,8,8,8, after completing all 5 workouts again 1c will be 20,10,10,10,10 

*goal is to stay unbroken as you come back the second and third time around with higher reps

KB #2a “I have no legs” (progess to 2b and 2c options, see below)


Russian Swings x 10

Single Arm Squat Cleans x 10 (5 each)

Lunge and Pass x 10 (5 each leg)

*after completing workouts 1-5, 2b will be reps of 16, after completing all 5 workouts again 2c will be reps of 20 

*goal is to stay unbroken as you come back the second and third time around with higher reps

KB #3a “SwingJerkThrusters” (progess to 3b and 3c options, see below)


Single arm Russian Swings x 10 (5 each)

Single Arm Clean & Jerks x 10 (5 each)

Single Arm Thrusters x 10 (5 each)

*after completing workouts 1-5, 3b will be reps of 16, after completing all 5 workouts again 3c will be reps of 20 

*goal is to stay unbroken as you come back the second and third time around with higher reps

KB #4a “Bells and Burpees” (progess to 4b and 4c options, see below)


Burpee over KB x 10

KB Goblet Squats x 10

Single Arm S2OH x 10 (5 each)

*after completing workouts 1-5, 4b will be reps of 16, after completing all 5 workouts again 4c will be reps of 20 

*goal is to stay unbroken as you come back the second and third time around with higher reps

KB #5a “Vaca” (progess to 5b and 5c options, see below)


TGU x 10

Single Arm Rows x 16 (8 each)

Single Arm Suitcase Deadlift x 16 (8 each)

*after completing workouts 1-5, 5b will be reps of 14/20/20, after completing all 5 workouts again 5c will be reps of 16/24/24 

*goal is to stay unbroken as you get come back the second and third time around with higher reps