FaceTime, Skype or use another app to complete these partner workouts. WE ARE ALL IN THIS TOGETHER.

#1: “The 400’s”

4 RFT:

400m run

*you go, I go: partner 1 runs 400m, then partner 2 runs 400m, that is one round, you each will run a mile

#2: “The 200’s”

8 RFT:

200m run

*you go, I go: partner 1 runs 200m, then partner 2 runs 200m, that is one round, you each will run a mile

#3: “The 100’s”

16 RFT:

100m run

*you go, I go: partner 1 runs 100m, then partner 2 runs 100m, that is one round, you each will run a mile

#4: “Heavy legs mile”

32 RFT:

100m run

15 x Air Squats

*alternate rounds with partner: partner 1 does 100m run and 20 squats, partner 2 does 100m run and 20 squats, that is one round, you each will run a mile and do 240 squats