Angel or Devil? That depends on what your skill set is...strength or fitness.
Only one way to find out.
Ground to Squat to Overhead: must start from the ground, must pass through a squat, must end up overhead...Examples: squat snatch, cluster, squat clean and jerk, power snatch and overhead squat, hang power clean and front squat and jerk, etc. You must keep the bar in your hands until you have meet all requirements. You can do as many attempts as you want within the minute, weight can go up or down, score is the highest weight reached after all attempts.
Devil's Press: burpee + DB snatch (must alternate arms)
EMOM 24:
1: Max Weight Ground to Squat to Overhead Partner #1
2: Max Burpees Partner #2
3: Max Weight Ground to Squat to Overhead Partner #1
4: Max Alt. DB Snatch @50/35 Partner #2 (Scaled 35/20)
5: Max Weight Ground to Squat to Overhead Partner #1
6: Max Single DB Devil's Press @50/35 Partner #2 (Scaled 35/20)
7: Max Burpees Partner #1
8: Max Weight Ground to Squat to Overhead Partner #2
9: Max Alt. DB Snatch @50/35 Partner #1 (Scaled 35/20)
10: Max Weight Ground to Squat to Overhead Partner #2
11: Max Single DB Devil's Press @50/35 Partner #1 (Scaled 35/20)
12: Max Weight Ground to Squat to Overhead Partner #2
13: Max Weight Ground to Squat to Overhead Partner #1
14: Max Burpees #2
15: Max Weight Ground to Squat to Overhead Partner #1
16: Max Alt. DB Snatch @50/35 Partner #2 (Scaled 35/20)
17: Max Weight Ground to Squat to Overhead Partner #1
18: Max Single DB Devil's Press @50/35 Partner #2 (Scaled 35/20)
19: Max Burpees Partner #1
20: Max Weight Ground to Squat to Overhead Partner #2
21: Max Alt. DB Snatch @50/35 Partner #1 (Scaled 35/20)
22: Max Weight Ground to Squat to Overhead Partner #2
23: Max Single DB Devil's Press @50/35 Partner #1 (Scaled 35/20)
24: Max Weight Ground to Squat to Overhead Partner #2
*Score is one number: highest weight lifted by each partner + total reps of Burpees, DB Snatch and Devil's press by each partner
*you may use two different bars or share a bar, even if it is male/female
*one head of the DB must touch the ground on the alt. db snatch
*full hip extension on burpees with hand clap over or behind your head
Relay For Time:
Partner #1
50 x Wall Balls @20/14 (Scaled 14/10)
40 x Pull-ups (Scaled Ring Rows…must be 46” from the ground)
30/20 x Calorie Assault Bike
Partner #2
50 x Wall Balls @20/14 (Scaled 14/10)
40 x Pull-ups (Scaled Ring Rows…must be 46” from the ground)
30/20 x Calorie Assault Bike
*as soon as partner 1 finishes the last calorie, partner 2 may start on wall balls
*you may set up the equipment as close together as you want