
workout #5 details:

Running Clock

1)“The Climb” Alternating EMOM 4min (0-4min):
-Ring Rows x 30 (hold plank for remainder of minute)
-Box Jumps x 25 (hold wall sit for remainder of the minute)
2) “The Conversation” Alternating Angel/Devil 4min (4-8min):

Movement: max reps Pull-ups and Burpees
Must accumulate at least 50 pull-ups and 50 burpees (see levels below) to Pass

Angel (minutes 4,6): if you complete 20 pull-ups and 20 burpees you may skip to the next section, if not you continue

Devil (minutes 5,7): reps working towards your total, minimum 10 of each or you fail

3) “The Truth” 2 min:
No reps, just alternating between 20 sec bar hang and 40 sec plank. You made it through reps, now can you just breath and finish?

Level 1: Jumping Pull-ups, 16/12” box
Level 2: Band Pull-ups, 20/16” box
Level 3: Kipping Pull-ups, 24/20” box
Level 4: C2B, 24/20” box

Level 5: Strict, 30/24” box