0:00-15:00 General/Specific Warm-up (programmed for you or left up to your coaches to create)
15:00-20:00 Transition to Strength
20:00-35:00 Strength
35:00-43:00 Transition to MetCon (this can also be called WOD, Workout…whatever you want)
43:00-55:00 MetCon
55:00-60:00 Cool-down
5 Infant Squats
10 Lying Leg Raises
20 Ankle Wall Touches (10 each side)
2 Rounds
10 Back Squats @empty barbell
20sec Glute Bridge
Lower Body Strength:
5-minute time block:
Warm-up to starting weight
Every 2 minutes for 10 minutes (5 sets):
4 Back Squat @75-85%
*these should be HEAVY sets, plenty of time to take rest, lift heavy enough to need the rest, for those who cannot yet lift heavy enough to need this much rest you could have them go every 90 seconds (7 sets) to work on technique and repetition
*we are going to go to 5 reps next week, then back to triples to reach a 3-rep max
*OF NOTE: going every 2 minutes (or 90sec) provides needed rest, allows coaches to more effectively see the lifts and can provide some fun and cool atmosphere when people are cheering on their classmates
1 Shuttle Run
2 Alternating DB Snatches
2 Shuttle Runs
4 Alternating DB Snatches
3 Shuttle Runs
6 Alt. DB Snatches
4/8, 5/10…etc.
*25ft zones, down AND back = 1 shuttle run
*Pace: Aggressive: Completion of 9 shuttles/18 snatches, Solid: Completing of 8 shuttles/16 snatches, Limit: Completion of 7 shuttles/14 snatches
*12 minutes is a time domain that is long enough to have some pacing to it, but short enough that the pace is a difficult one to maintain
*Shuttle Runs: stay on a consistent pace for the duration of the 12 minutes…doing a lot of indoor running because of weather
*DB Snatch: choose the heaviest weight that still gives you a good opportunity to stay unbroken all the way through
Beginner: 25/15
Scaled: 35/20
Rx: 50/35
Rx+: 70/50
*you can have as many levels as you want and they can be called anything you want…some gyms use this, others use beginner/intermediate/advanced/sport, others Level 1/2/3…etc.