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 Hell week Testing protocol

Day 1: Lower and Upper Body Strength

1) General Warm-up:

5 min of Row/Ski/Assault Bike/Run/Jump rope (something to get your body temperature and heart rate slightly elevated)

10 min of Flexibility/Mobility/Foam Roll

2) Lower Body Warm-up:

10 x Infant Squats

10 x Overhead Squats with PVC

10 x Back Squats with BB

5 min to get ready for first 3 rm attempt

3) Lower Body testing:

Every 2 min for 10 min:

work to 3rm Back Squat (video of heaviest completed weight)

—2 min rest—

Max rep back squat @ your body weight in 1 min

4) Upper Body Warm-up:

30 sec Plank (on hands or push-up position)

20 x Shoulder Taps

10 x Push-ups

5 min to get ready for first 3rm attempt on shoulder press

5) Upper Body Testing:

Every 2 min for 10 min:

work to 3rm barbell shoulder press (video of heaviest completed weight)

Day 2: Assault Bike/Row

1) General Warm-up:

5 min of Row/Ski/Assault Bike/Run/Jump rope (something to get your body temperature and heart rate slightly elevated)

10 min of Flexibility/Mobility/Foam Roll

2) Assault Bike Test #1: score is total calories and cals each 30 sec

1 min easy to moderate on the bike

—reset bike—

Every 3 min for 12 min:

30 sec max calories

3) Row Test #1: score is 5k time

1 min easy to moderate row

—reset rower—

5,000m row for time

Day 3: Gymnastics/Row

1) General Warm-up:

5 min of Row/Ski/Assault Bike/Run/Jump rope (something to get your body temperature and heart rate slightly elevated)

10 min of Flexibility/Mobility/Foam Roll

2) Gymnastics Test: score is total reps for each movement and amount of unbroken reps

2 min warm-up for pull-ups (video of unbroken set)

1 min max pull-ups (must do max unbroken then complete as many more as you can in the minute. 2 scores: max unbroken and total)

1 min rest

2 min warm-up for HSPU (video of unbroken set)

1 min max HSPU at floor or 25 pound plates next to AbMat, regular push-ups if you do not yet have a HSPU (must do max unbroken then complete as many more as you can in the minute. 2 scores: max unbroken and total)

1 min rest

2 min warm-up for T2B (video of unbroken set)

1 min max T2B or knee raises if you do not yet have T2B (must do max unbroken then complete as many more as you can in the minute. 2 scores: max unbroken and total)

1 min rest

2 min warm-up for HS Walk (video)

1 min max distance HS Walk or max rep Wall Walks if you do not yet have HS walks (must do max unbroken then complete as many more as you can in the minute. 2 scores: max unbroken and total)

1 min rest

2 min warm-up for Pistols (video)

1 min max Pistols or Lunges if you do not yet have Pistols

2) Row Test #2: score is 2k time

1 min easy to moderate warm-up

—reset rower—

2,000m for time

Day 4: Snatch/Run

1) General Warm-up:

5 min of Row/Ski/Assault Bike/Run/Jump rope (something to get your body temperature and heart rate slightly elevated)

10 min of Flexibility/Mobility/Foam Roll

2) Snatch Test:

5 min warm-up

10 min to work to heaviest complex: (video of heaviest complex or TNG snatches)

If you can complete a smooth squat snatch do the following complex without putting the bar down:

Hang (anywhere above knee) Squat Snatch + Power Snatch + Squat Snatch

If mobility or catching in the full squat are an issue do the following complex without putting the bar down:

3 x TNG (touch and go) Power Snatches

3) Run Test: score is total distance and mile split

Cooper test: 12 min max distance run

Day 5: Clean/Row/Assault Bike

1) General Warm-up:

5 min of Row/Ski/Assault Bike/Run/Jump rope (something to get your body temperature and heart rate slightly elevated)

10 min of Flexibility/Mobility/Foam Roll

2) Clean Test

5 min warm-up

10 min to work to heaviest complex: (video of heaviest complex or TNG cleans)

If you can complete a smooth squat clean do the following complex without putting the bar down:

Hang (anywhere above knee) Squat Clean + Power Clean + Squat Clean

If mobility or catching in the full squat are an issue do the following complex without putting the bar down:

3 x TNG (touch and go) Power Cleans

3) Row Test #3: score is 500m time

1 min easy to moderate

—reset the rower—

500m for time

4) Assault Bike Test #2: score is total cals

10 min max calories

Email your results, videos and any questions to