100 WOD’s ADDED!
METCON: 1 min AMRep on 1 min rest x 7 Rounds
10 x Burpees (Rx+ 12 Burpees, Scaled 8 Burpees)
Max Cals Ski or AAB in remaining time
METCON: For Time
50 x HSPU (Rx+ 75, Scaled DB Strict Press)
* EMOM starting at 0:00 15 x Double Unders (Rx+ 20 x DU, Scaled x2 Singles)
8 x Box Jump Overs @24/20” (Scaled Step Overs)
16 x Weighted AbMat Situps @20/14 (Rx+ GHDSU, Scaled no weight AbMat Situps)
8 x Thrusters @95/65 (Rx+ 115/75, Scaled less than or equal to 75/55)
MetCon: Partner “Badger” (3RFT)
30x Squat Cleans @95/65
30x Pull-Ups
800m Run (or 1,000m row, 800m ski, 50/40 cal bike)
*Split Reps as needed
METCON: Team of 4
4 RFT:
100m Run all together
20 x Syn Burpees to Plate (2 people working, 2 people resting)
20 x Syn Overhead Plate Lunges @45/35
—2 min rest—
3 RFT:
200m Run all together
30 x Syn Burpee over DB
30 x Syn Alt. DB Snatch @50/35
—2 min rest—
2 RFT:
400m Run all together
50 x MB Situp Toss @20/14
50 x Syn Wall Balls @20/14
*Score is total time, on synchronized movements it is 2 people working, 2 people resting
13 x T2B (Scaled Knee Raises or AbMat Situps)
13 x Deadlift @185/125 (Rx+ 225, Scaled less than or equal to 155/105)
13/10 x Cal Row/Ski/AAB
METCON: For Time
3 rounds:
10/8 x C2B (Rx+ 5 x Bar or Ring MU, Scaled Pull-ups/Band/Jumping)
10 x Front Squat @135/95 (Rx+155/105, Scaled less than or equal to 115/75)
—1 min rest—
2 Rounds:
20/16 x Pull-ups (Rx+ C2B, Scaled 10 x Band or 20 x Jumping)
20 x Goblet Squats @53/35 (Rx+ Single Arm OHS, Scaled 35/26)
—1 min rest—
1 Rounds:
40 x Ring Rows (Rx+ Pull-ups)
40 x Air Squats (Rx+ Goblet Squats @53/35)
6 x Russian KB Swings @53/35 (Rx+ American, Scaled 35/26)
1 x TGU @53/35 (Scaled 35/26)
5 x Burpees over KB
*If cannot complete the work in the minute it becomes an AMRAP
5 x Power Snatch @115/75 (Rx+ 135/95, Scaled 10 x Alt. DB Snatch at less than or equal to 35/25)
20 x Box Jumps @24/20” (Scaled Step-ups)
5 x Power Snatch @115/75 (Rx+135/95, Scaled 10 x Alt. DB Snatch at less than or equal to 35/25)
20 x Wall Balls @20/14 (Scaled 14/10)
METCON: Partner “Nancy”
400m Run
20 x OHS @95/65 (Rx+ 115/75, Scaled less than or equal to 75/55)
*Split Reps as needed
PARTNER WORKOUT: One person working, one person resting
24 x Back Squat @115/75
24 x Burpees
24 x Single Arm KB Swings @53/35
—3 min rest—
20 x Shoulder to Overhead @115/75
20 x Lateral Bar Burpees
20 x Single Arm KB Squat Clean @53/35
—2 min rest—
16 x Hang Power Clean @115/75
16 x Burpee Box Jump Overs @24/20”
16 x Single Arm KB Cluster @53/35
*3 separate scores
6 x Deadlift @135/95 (Rx+ 155/105, Scaled less than or equal to 115/75)
4 x Hang Power Clean @135/95 (Rx+ 155/105, Scaled less than or equal to 115/75)
2 x Shoulder to Overhead @135/95 (Rx+ 155/105, Scaled less than or equal to 115/75)
30 x Alt. DB Snatch @50/35 (Scaled less than or equal to 45/30)
60 x Double Unders (Scaled 120 Singles)
30 x T2B (Scaled Knee Raises or AbMat Situps)
METCON: 10 rounds for Time
2 x Power Snatch @65% of Max Snatch
4 x Power Clean @ same as above
8/6 x Cal Row/Ski/AAB
METCON: 2 min AMREP x 3 Rounds
30 x KB Swings @53/35
Max Hand Release Pushups in remaining time (Scaled Knee Pushups)
1 min rest
METCON: Partner “Fraren”
21 x Thrusters @95/65 (Rx+ 115/75, Scaled less than or equal to 75/55)
21 x Pull-ups (Rx+ C2B, Scaled Band Pullups or Ring Rows)
50 x Wall Balls @20/14 (Scaled 14/10)
15 x Thrusters @95/65
15 x Pull-ups
50 x Wall Balls @20/14
9 x Thrusters @95/65
9 x Pull-ups
50 x Wall Balls @20/14
Teams of 3: For Time
100 x Synchronized KB Swings @53/35 (Scaled 35/26)
100 x Synchronized Hang Power Clean @115/75 (Rx+ 135/95, Scaled less than or equal to 95/65)
100 x Synchronized Single Arm DB Clean and Jerk @50/35 (Scaled less than or equal to 45/30)
100 x Synchronized DB Goblet Lunge @50/35 (Scaled less then or equal to 45/30)
100 x Synchronized AbMat Situps (Rx+ Weighted @20/14)
*2 people working, 1 person resting for all of these movements
—5 min rest—
50 x Pull-ups (Rx+ C2B, Scaled Band or Ring Rows, NO jumping pullups)
*only two people working on these 50 reps
50 x T2B (Rx+ GHDSU, Scaled knee raises)
*only two people working on these 50 reps
50 x Cal AAB
*only two people working on these 50 reps
50 x Synchronized Burpees to plate
METCON: 4 Rounds for time
12 x T2B (Rx+ Wt. GHDSU @14/10, Scaled Knee Raises)
16 x Single Arm DB S2OH @50/35 (Scaled less than or equal to 45/30)
20 x DB Goblet Step-up @50/35 (Scaled less than or equal to 45/30)
5 x Burpees (Rx+ 6, Scaled 4)
7 x Wall Ball @20/14 (Rx+ 8, Scaled 6 and or 14/10)
12 x Double Unders (Rx+ 14, Scaled 10 Double Unders or 20 singles)
60 x Single Arm Russian Swings @53/35
50 x Single Arm Overhead Lunges @53/35
40 x Power Cleans @95/65 (Rx+ 135/95, Scaled less than or equal to 75/55)
30 x MB Slams @20/14 (Scaled 14/10)
20 x Cal Row/Ski/AAB
METCON: 3 Rounds
3 x HSPU (Rx+ 3 x Ring or Bar MU, Scaled Modified HSPU)
6 x Pull-ups (Rx+ Def. HSPU @4/2”, Scaled Band or 12 Jumping Pullups or Ring Rows)
12 x Alt. Pistols (Rx+ Weighted @35/26, Scaled heel hook or Bulgarian Squat)
—1 min rest—
*Pick up where you left off each round
METCON: For Time with Partner
10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1 of:
Front Squat @115/75 (Rx+ 135/95, Scaled less than or equal to 95/65)
S2OH @115/75 (Rx+ 135/95, Scaled less than or equal to 95/65)
Hang Power Clean @115/75 (Rx+ 135/95, Scaled less than or equal to 95/65)
*Must Alternate Movements with Partner, once you start the movement you must complete all reps
METCON: Teams of 3
For Time:
20 rounds:
1 x Rope Climb (Rx+ Legless, Scaled Rope Pull)
3 x Thrusters @115/75 (Rx+ 135/95, Scaled less than or equal to 96/65)
5 x Lateral Bar Burpees
7 x Kettlebell Swings @53/35 (Rx+ 70/53, Scaled 35/26)
Calorie Buy out each: 40/32 Row, 30/24 Ski, 20/16 AAB
*Everything in a waterfall format. Partner A starts the workout, Partner B cannot move on until Partner A completes the exercise, Partner C cannot move on until Partner B completes the exercise
METCON: For Time
Hang Clean and Jerk @115/75
Box Jumps @ 24/20”
EMOM 6: (Scaled AMRAP 6)
8/6 x Cal Ski/AAB/Row (Rx+ 10/8 x cals)
8 x Alt. DB Snatch @50/35 (Rx+ 10 reps)
—3 min rest—
12 x Burpees (Rx+ 15, Scaled max in 40 seconds)
10/8 X Ring Dips (Rx+ Strict Ring Dips, Scaled band or bench)
15 x Inverted Rows (Rx+ Pull-ups)
20 x KB Swings @53/35 (Rx+ 70/53, Scaled 35/26)
10 x Pull-ups (Rx+ 6 x Ring or Bar MU, Scaled Band or 15 jumping Pull-ups)
15 x Wt. AbMat Situps @20/14 (Rx+ 12 x GHDSU, Scaled 14/10 or no weight)
20 x Wall Ball @20/14 (Rx+ 24 reps, Scaled 14/10)
40 x Double Unders (Rx+ 48 reps, Scaled 80 Singles)
METCON: Partner
30’ x HS Walk (Rx+ 60’, Scaled Bear Crawl x 120’)
60’ x Double DB Front Rack Lunge @50/35 (Rx+ one overhead/one down, Scaled less weight)
120’ x Farmer’s Carry @70/53 (Rx+ plate carry @35/25, Scaled 53/35)
60’ x Double DB Front Rack Lunge @50/35 (Rx+ one overhead/one down, Scaled less weight)
30’ x Burpee Broad Jump
—2 min rest—
Max DB Thrusters @50/35 (Scaled less weight)
*split reps as needed for both AMRAPs
METCON: Partner Workout
Open 18.1: AMRAP 20
8 x T2B (Scaled Knee Raises)
10 x Single Arm DB Clean and Jerk @50/35 (Scaled 35/25)
14 x Cal Row (12 x Ski or 10 x AAB)
*Alternate movements with your partner, once you start a movement you must complete it
—5 min rest—
Open 17.1: For Time
10 x Alt. DB Snatch @50/35 (Scaled 35/25)
15 X Burpee Box Jump Overs @24/20” (Scaled Step-ups)
20 x Alt. DB Snatch @50/35 (Scaled 35/25)
15 X Burpee Box Jump Overs @24/20” (Scaled Step-ups)
30 x Alt. DB Snatch @50/35 (Scaled 35/25)
15 X Burpee Box Jump Overs @24/20” (Scaled Step-ups)
40 x Alt. DB Snatch @50/35 (Scaled 35/25)
15 X Burpee Box Jump Overs @24/20” (Scaled Step-ups)
50 x Alt. DB Snatch @50/35 (Scaled 35/25)
15 X Burpee Box Jump Overs @24/20” (Scaled Step-ups)
*Split reps as needed
8/6 X Cal Row/Ski/AAB
6 x C2B (Rx+ Bar MU, Scaled Pullups/band/jumping pullups x 12)
6 x Hang Power Clean @135/95 (Rx+175/115, Scaled less than or equal to 115/75)
—1 min rest—
8/6 X Cal Row/Ski/AAB
8 x Pullups (Rx+ C2B, Scaled band/jumping pullups x 12)
8 x Hang Power Clean @115/75 (Rx+155/105, Scaled less than or equal to 95/65)
—1 min rest—
8/6 X Cal Row/Ski/AAB
10 x Ring Rows (Rx+ Pullups)
10 x Hang Power Clean @95/65 (Rx+135/95, Scaled less than or equal to 75/55)
*3 scores, one for each AMRAP
12 x Snatch @75/55 (Rx+ 15 reps @115/75, Scaled 45/35)
15 x Box Jumps @24/20” (Scaled Step-ups)
12 x T2B (Rx+ 15 reps, Scaled knee raises)
15 x Burpees (Rx+ to 6” target)
3 Rounds:
12 x Wt. AbMat Situps @20/14 (Rx+ Wt. GHDSU @20/14, Scaled 14/10)
12 x KB Snatch @53/35 (Rx+ 70/53, Scaled 35/26)
Max Rep Wall Balls @20/14 (Rx+ 11/10’ target, Scaled 14/10)
2 rounds:
18 x Wt. AbMat Situps @14/10 (Rx+ Wt. GHDSU @14/10, Scaled no weight)
18 x KB Swings @53/35 (Rx+ 70/53, Scaled 35/26)
Max Rep Wall Balls @20/14 (Rx+ 11/10’ target, Scaled 14/10)
1 round:
36 x AbMat Situps (Rx+ GHDSU)
36 Russian Swings @53/35 (Rx+ 70/53, Scaled 35/26)
Max Rep Wall Balls @20/14 (Rx+ 11/10’ target, Scaled 14/10)
*Score is total Wall Balls
150 x DU (Rx+ 200, Scaled 300 Singles)
100’ Overhead Double KB/DB Walk @50/35 (Rx+ Handstand Walk, Scaled less than or equal to 45/30)
50/40 x Pushups (Rx+ Hand release, Scaled Knees)
25 x Deadlift @185/125 (Rx+ 225/155, Scaled less than or equal to 155/105)
METCON: Double Partner “Brian”
6 RFT":
5 x Rope Climbs (Rx+ legless, Scaled rope pulls)
25 x Back Squat @185/125 (Rx+ 225, Scaled less than or equal to 155/105)
eam of 3: AMRAP 15
*Conga Line style (partner A, then B, then C)
1,2,3,etc x Clean each @135/95 (Rx+ Cluster @155/105, Scaled <= 115/75 or Goblet Squat)
2,4,6,etc x Box Jump Overs each @24/20” (Rx+ 30/24”, Scaled Step-overs)
3,6,9,12 x HSPU each (Rx+ Deficit @4/2”, Scaled modified HSPU or Pushups)
4,8,12,16 x Pull-ups each (Rx+ Muscle Ups, Scaled band or ring rows, NO jumping pullups)
*format will be further explained in class
—5 to 10 min rest—
3) Team of 3: 4RFT
7 x T2B (Scaled Knee Raises) one person must complete all reps
21 x Synchronized Burpee to Plate @45/35 (two people working, one resting)
7 x T2B (Scaled Knee Raises) one person must complete all reps
21 x Synchronized Wall Balls @20/14 (Rx+ 11/10” target, Scaled 14/10) two people working, one resting
7 x T2B (Scaled Knee Raises) one person must complete all reps
21 x Cal AAB or Ski (one person working, two resting)
5 RFT:
7 X Deadlift @225/155 (Rx+ 275/185, Scaled less than or equal to 185/125)
11 x Lateral Bar Burpees
7 x HSPU (Rx+ Deficit @4/2”, Scaled modified or DB strict press)
14 x Double Unders (Rx+ 21 x DU, Scaled 28 x Singles)
7 x Hang Squat Clean @95/65 (Rx+ 135/95, Scaled less than or equal to 75/55)
14 x Double Unders (Rx+ 21 x DU, Scaled 28 x Singles)
2,4,6,8,10, etc.
Box Jumps @24/20” (Rx+ 30/24, Scaled Step-Ups)
Alt. DB Snatch @50/35 (Rx+ KB Snatch @70/53, Scaled less than or equal to 45/30)
METCON: Partner Modified Open workout 11.5
5 x Power Clean @135/95 (Rx+ 155/105, Scaled less than or equal to 115/75)
10 x Synchronized AbMat Situps (Rx+ Weighted @20/14)
15 x Wall Balls @20/14 (Rx+ 11/10’ target, Scaled 14/10)
*Power Clean and Wall Ball Reps can be split as needed, Situps are synchronized with partner
Teams of 4 for both MetCons
*Waterfall pairs
18 x T2B (Scaled Knee Raises) *one person working, one resting
9 x Synchronized Burpees
16 x Hang Power Snatch @75/55 (Rx+ 95/65, Scaled 45/35) *one person working, one resting
8/6 x Calorie Ski/AAB (Alternate rounds with partner)
—5 to 10 min rest—
3 Rounds for Reps: Pairs at stations
1 min Max Pullups (Rx+ C2B, Scaled Band or Ring Rows)
*one person working, one resting
1 min Max Row and Air Squats
*one person rows the entire minute, one person performs air squats the entire minute
1 min Max KB Swings @53/35 (Rx+70/53, Scaled 35/26)
*one person working, one resting
1 min Max Row and Air Squats
*one person rows the entire minute, one person performs air squats the entire minute
1 min REST
10 x Single Arm DB Clean and Jerk @50/35 (Scaled less than or equal to 45/30)
10 x Alt Pistols (Rx+ Wt. @35/26, Scaled modified)
—2 min rest—
20 x Alt. DB Snatch @50/35 (Scaled less than or equal to 45/30)
20 x Goblet Lunge @50/35 (Scaled less than or equal to 45/30)
—1 min rest—
30 x Pushups (Rx+ hand release, Scaled knees)
30 x Lunges
*3 scores
METCON: For Time
30/24 x Cal Row Buy-in
5 Rounds:
10 x Pullups (Rx+ C2B, Scaled band or Ring Rows)
5 x Thrusters @95/65 (Rx+ 135/95, Scaled 75/55)
10 x Lateral Bar Burpees
5 x Thrusters @95/65 (Rx+ 135/95, Scaled 75/55)
15/12 x Cal AAB/SKI Buy-out (Rx+ 30/24)
2,4,6,8, etc
T2B (Scaled Knee Raises)
Snatch @75/55 (Rx+ 95/65, Scaled 45/35)
*EMOM starting at 0:00 15 x Double Unders (Rx+ 20 x DU, Scaled 10 x DU or 30 x Singles)
10 X Cleans @95/65 (Rx+ 135/95, Scaled 75/55 or less)
10 x Box Jumps @24/20” (Rx+ 30/24'“, Scaled Step-ups)
10 x Wall Balls @20/14 (Rx+ 11/10’ Target, Scaled 14/10)
3 RFT:
8 x Cleans @115/75 (Rx+ 155/105, Scaled 95/65 or less)
8 x Box Jump Overs @24/20” (Rx+ 30/24”, Scaled Step Overs)
10 x Wall Balls @20/14 (Rx+ 11/10’ Target, Scaled 14/10)
3 RFT:
6 x Cleans @135/95 (Rx+ 175/115, Scaled 115/75 or less)
6 x Burpee Box Jump Over @24/20” (Rx+ 30/24”, Scaled Burpee Step Over)
10 x Wall Balls @20/14 (Rx+ 11/10’ Target, Scaled 14/10)
Partner Workout
1,000m Row
50 x KB Russian Swings @53/35 (Scaled 35/26)
50 x Ring Rows
*Split reps as needed
Partner workout
AMRAP 25: partner
*you go, I go format
5 x Pullups (Rx+ 3 MU, scaled band or Jumping x 10)
1 x Rope Climb (Rx+ legless, Scaled Rope pull)
7 x Cal Ski/AAB
1 x Rope Climb (Rx+ legless, Scaled Rope pull)
9 x Pushups (Rx+ HSPU, scaled knees)
100 x synchronized AbMat Situps for time
5 x Power Snatch @95/65 (Rx+ 135/95, Scaled less than or equal to75/55)
10 x MB Slams @20/14 (Rx+ 25/20, Scaled less than or equal to 14/10)
5 x OHS @95/65 (Rx+ 135/95, Scaled less than or equal to 75/55)
10 x Pullups (Rx+ C2B, Scaled band or Ring Rows)
6 X T2B (Rx+ 8, scaled knee raises)
5 x Hang Power Clean @115/75 (Rx+ 135/95, scaled less than or equal to 95/65)
4 x S2OH @115/75 (Rx+ 135/95, scaled less than or equal to 95/65)
*if you cannot complete the work within the minute then you will do an AMRAP 10
5 X HSPU (Rx+ Deficit @4/2”, scaled modified or DB Strict Press)
10 x Air Squats (Rx+ Goblet squat @53/35)
15 x Double Unders (Rx+ 20, scaled 10 or 30 singles)
1 min max Calorie buy-out Row/Ski/AAB
METCON: Death by Burpee
EMOM burpees: 2,4,6,8,10, etc
*continue as long as you can get the reps in the minute, max 15 minutes
METCON: Partner Modified 15.5
Calorie Row
Thrusters @95/65 (Rx+ 115/75, Scaled less than or equal to 75/55)
*split reps as needed, once you complete the round of 9 you go back to 27
Teams of 3:
9 Rounds for time:
Syn DB snatch @50/35 x 20 (scaled less than or equal to 45/30)
*two people working
Deadlift @225/155 x 5 (Rx+ @275/185, scaled less than or equal to 185/125)
*one person working
Syn Burpees (all three) x 10
—3 min rest—
6 rounds for time:
Syn DB Clean and Jerk x32 @50/35 (scaled less than or equal to 45/30)
*two people working
Deadlift @185/125 x 8 (Rx+ 225/155, scaled less than or equal to 155/105)
*one person working
Syn Air Squats x 16 (all three)
—2 min rest—
3 rounds for time:
Syn DB S2OH x 44 @50/35 (scaled less than it equal to 45/30)
*two people
Deadlift @155/105 x 11 (Rx+ 185/125, scaled less than or equal to 135/95)
*one person working
Syn AbMat Sit-ups x 22 (all three)
6 x Pull-ups (Rx+ C2B, scaled band or ring rows)
10 x Box Jumps @24/20” (scaled Step-ups)
14 x KB Swings @53/35 (Rx+ 70/53, scaled 35/26)
20 x S2OH @95/65 (Rx+ 115/75, scaled less than or equal to 75/55)
30 x Alt. DB Snatch @50/35 (scaled less than or equal to 45/30)
40 x Goblet Lunge @50/35 (scaled less than or equal to 45/30)
5 x Burpee over DB (Rx+ 6 reps)
10 x SA DB C&J @50/35 (Rx+ 12 reps, scaled less than or equal to 45/30)
5 x Burpee over DB (Rx+ 6 reps)
10 x Cal Row/Ski/AAB (Rx+ 12 Cals)
METCON: AMREP 3 min x 3 Rounds on 1 min rest
20/16 x Pushups (Rx+ 30/24, scaled knees)
20 x Wall Balls @20/14 (Rx+ 30 reps, scaled 14/10
Max Weighted AbMat Sit-ups @20/14 (Rx+ GHDSU, scaled 14/10 or no weight)
METCON: Partner For Time
OHS @95/65 (Rx+ 115/75, scaled less than or equal to 75/55)
Hang Power Snatch @95/65 (Rx+ 115/75, scaled less than or equal to 75/55)
T2B (scaled knee raises)
*break reps as needed
METCON: Partner workout
10 x Pull-ups (Rx+ MU, scaled band or Ring Rows)
20 x KB Swings @53/35 (Rx+ 70/53, scaled 35/26)
10 x Power Cleans @135/95 (Rx+ 155/105, scaled less than or equal to 115/75)
—5 to 10 min rest—
For Time:
100 x MB Slams @35/20 (Rx+ 50/35, scaled less than or equal to 25/15)
100 x Box Jump Overs @24/20” (Rx+ 30/24, scaled step overs)
*EMOM 1 x Rope Climb (Rx+ Legless, scaled 2 rope pulls)
30 x KB Swings @53/35 (Rx+ 70/53, scaled 35/26)
60 x Double Unders (scaled 30 x Double Unders or 120 Singles)
Max Rep Thrusters @95/65 (Rx+ 115/75, scaled less than or equal to 75/55)
—2min rest—
30 x KB Snatch @53/35 (Rx+ 70/53, scaled 35/26)
60 x Double Unders (scaled 30 x Double Unders or 120 Singles)
Max Rep Wall Balls @20/14 (Rx+ 11/10’ target, scaled 14/10)
—2min rest—
30 x SA KB OHS @53/35 (Rx+ 70/53, scaled 35/26)
60 x Double Unders (scaled 30 x Double Unders or 120 Singles)
Max Rep Air Squats
METCON: For Time
500/400m Row Buy-In (400/320m Ski or 30/24 Cal AAB)
5 Rounds:
12 x T2B (scaled Knee Raises)
6/4 x Rope Climbs (Rx+ legless, scaled rope pulls)
12 x Ring Pushups (scaled regular or knee pushups)
500/400m Row Buy-Out (400/320m Ski or 30/24 Cal AAB)
8 x MB Slams @35/20 (Rx+ 50/35, scaled less than or equal to 30/15)
4 x Hang Power Cleans @135/95 (Rx+ 165/115, scaled less than or equal to 115/75)
12/9 x Cal Row/Ski/AAB
1 x Power Snatch @135/95 (Rx+ 155/105, scaled less than or equal to 115/75)
12 x Alt. Pistols (Rx+ weighted 35/26, scaled Modified or Goblet Lunge @35/26 or less)
1 x Power Snatch @135/95 (Rx+ 155/105, scaled less than or equal to 115/75)
Partner “The Seven”
7 rounds: *Alternate Movements with partner
7 x HSPU (Rx+ Deficit @4/2”, scaled modified or DB Strict Press)
7 x Thrusters @95/65 (Rx+ 135/95, scaled less than or equal to 75/55)
7 x Knees to Elbows (scaled Knee raises)
7 x Deadlift @185/125 (Rx+ 225/155, scaled less than or equal to 155/105)
7 x Burpees
7 x Swings @53/35 (Rx+ 70/53, scaled 35/26)
7 x Pullups (Rx+ C2B, scaled band or 14 x Jumping Pullups)
Team of 3
*Waterfall format
8 x T2B
12 x Box Jumps @24”/20”
16 x Russian Swings @70/53
—10 min Rest—
For Time:
50 x Squat Cleans @135/95
60 x Front Rack Lunges @115/85
70 x S2OH @95/65
*EMOM 5 Synchronized Burpees (2 people)
METCON: For Time
3 Rounds:
1 x Deadlift @275/185 (Rx+ 315/225, scaled less than or equal to 250/165)
8 x Pull-ups (Rx+ C2B, scales band or jumping x 12)
10 x Alt. DB Snatch @50/35 (Rx+ 70/50, scaled less than or equal to 45/30)
—1 min rest—
3 Rounds:
3 x Deadlift @225/155 (Rx+ 275/185, scaled less than or equal to 185/125)
6 x C2B (Rx+ strict, scaled band or jumping x 12)
10 x Alt. DB Snatch @50/35 (Rx+ 70/50, scaled less than or equal to 45/30)
—1 min rest—
3 Rounds:
5 x Deadlift @185/125 (Rx+ 225/155, scaled 155/105 or less)
4 x BMU (Rx+ Ring MU, scaled C2B, band or jumping x 12)
10 x Alt. DB Snatch @50/35 (Rx+ 70/50, scaled less than or equal to 45/30)
20 x Box Jumps @24/20 (Rx+ 30/24, scaled Step-Ups)
25 x Thrusters @75/55 (Rx+ 95/65, scaled less than or equal to 45/35)
30 x Ring Rows or Inverted Rows
21/16 x Cal Row/Ski/AAB
42 x AbMat Sit-ups (Rx+ Wt @20/14)
21/16 x Pushups (Rx+ HRPU, scaled knees)
42 x Air Squats
7 x Wall Balls @20/14 (Rx+ 11/10’ target, scaled 14/10)
6 x T2B (scaled knee raises)
5 x Burpees (Rx+ Burpee tuck jump)
METCON: Partner Workout
For Time:
”DT”: 5 RFT
12 x Deadlift @155/105 (Rx+ 185/125, scaled less than or equal to 135/95)
9 x Hang Power Clean
6 x S2OH
10 x Rope Climbs (Rx+ Legless, scaled Rope Pulls)
“Randy” 75 x Snatch @75/55 (Rx+ 95/65, scaled 45/35)
10 x Rope Climbs (Rx+ Legless, Scaled Rope Pulls)
*split reps as needed
METCONs: Teams of 3
20 x Burpee KB DL @53/35 (Rx+ 70/53, scaled 35/26)
20 x SA DB Clean and Jerk @50/35 (Rx+ 70/50, scaled less than or equal to 45/30)
*One person must always be running 200m
*Two scores: rounds and reps of burpees and Clean and Jerks, total distance ran
—5 min rest—
For Time:
50, 40, 30 , 20, 10 of
Synchronized KB Swings @53/35 (Rx+ 70/53, scaled 35/26)
DB Front Rack Lunges @50/35 (Rx+ 70/50 overhead, scaled less than or equal to 45/30)
*one person must always complete 100m MB Carry @35/20 (Rx+ 50/35, scaled 20/15)
10 x Power Clean @115/75 (Rx+ 155/105, scaled less than or equal to 95/65)
10 x Wall Balls @20/14 (Rx+ 11./10’ target, scaled 14/10)
METCON: For Time
10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1 of:
Power Snatch @95/65 (Rx+ 135/95, scaled less than or equal to 75/55)
Box Jump Overs @24/20 (Rx+ 30/24, scaled step overs)
MB Slams @35/20 (Rx+ 50/35, scaled less than or equal to 25/15)
100 x DU (Rx+ 150 x DU, scaled 150 x singles)
40 x Air Squats
20 x Burpee over KB
10 x Turkish Get Up @53/35 (Rx+ 70/53, scaled 35/26)
5 x DB S2OH @50/35 (Rx+ 70/50, scaled less than or equal to 45/30)
10 x Goblet DB Step Up @50/35 (Rx+ 70/50, scaled less than or equal to 45/30)
5 x DB S2OH @50/35 (Rx+ 70/50, scaled less than or equal to 45/30)
METCON: Partner Workout
30 x Syn. AbMat Sit-ups (Rx+ Wt. @20/14)
30 x Alt. Wall Balls @20/14 (Rx+ 30/20, scaled 14/10)
Max Cal Ski or AAB
—1 min rest—
3 Rounds
METCONS: Teams of 3
A) AMRAP 10:
10/8 x Cal AAB (Rx+ 15/12)
*one person always on the bike, switch when cals complete
6 x Deadlift @185/125 (Rx+ 275/185, scaled less than or equal to 155/105)
12 x DB Thrusters @50/35 (Rx+ 70/50, scaled less than or equal to 45/30)
*one person working, one person resting on the deadlift and thrusters
—3 min rest—
B) AMRAP 10:
20/16 x Cal Row (Rx+ 25/20)
*one person always on the rower, switch when cals complete
8 x Cleans @135/95 (Rx+ 185/125, scaled less than or equal to 115/75)
16 x Pull-ups (Rx+ C2B, scaled band or Ring Rows)
*one person working, one person resting on the cleans and pull-ups
—3 min rest—
C) AMRAP 10:
15/12 x Cal Ski (Rx+ 20/16)
*one person always on the Ski, switch when cals complete
10 x Overhead Squat @95/65 (Rx+ 135/95, scaled less than or equal to 75/55)
20 x T2B (Rx+ GHDSU, scaled knee raises)
*one person working, one person resting on the Overhead squat and T2B
METCON: Every 2 min for 8 min
10/8 x Cal Row/Ski/AAB (Rx+ 15/12, scaled 8/6)
20 x Double Unders (Rx+ 30 x Double Unders, scaled 40 x singles)
10 x Burpees (Rx+ 15, scaled 8)
METCON: “Nate”
2 x Muscle Up (scaled pullups, band or 6 x Jumping Pullups)
4 x HSPU (scaled modified or 6 x Hand Release Pushups)
8 x KB Swings @70/53 (scaled less than or equal to 53/35)