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Day 3 Week 1 of 2 Sample

0:00-15:00 General/Specific Warm-up

15:00-20:00 Transition to Strength

20:00-35:00 Strength

35:00-44:00 Transition to WOD

44:00-55:00 WOD

55:00-60:00 Cool-down

General Warm-up:

2 Rounds

10 Band Pull Aparts

10 Band Pass Throughs

10 Plank Up Downs

Strength Warm-up:

3 Rounds

10,8,6 Bench Press @empty barbell to 50% (10 round 1, 8 round 2, etc.)

4 Gorilla Rows (2 each side, VIDEO)


Alt. Every 90 seconds for 15 minutes (5 sets each):

M1: Push Cluster: 5 Bench Press + 10 Push-ups

M2: Pull Cluster: 8 Gorilla Rows + 10 Ring Rows

*bench press weight at 70-75%

*you can start people on different clusters if needed and alternate back and forth if needed for class size

*do both movements then rest for the remainder of the 90 seconds

*clusters are great for time under tensions, muscle growth and strength endurance

WOD Prep

3 Rounds

6 Alt. DB Snatch (work to WOD weight)

6 Single DB Lunges (3 each leg, work to WOD weight)

1/2 Rope Climb (work foot clamp or scaled version)



22 Alt. DB Snatch

22 Single DB Lunges

2 Rope Climbs

Beginner: 10 Alt. DB Snatch, 25/15, no weight lunges 10 reps, 10 MB Slams

Scaled: 35/20, 1/2 or 3/4 Rope Climbs or 10 MB Slams

Rx: 50/35

Rx+: 70/50, 1 Legless/1 Regular

*Pace Goal: 3-4 Rounds

*DB Snatch: no. more than two sets throughout

*Lunges: steady and controlled, try to stay unbroken, hold DB wherever you want, recommend shoulder to save grip

*Rope: work on getting those feet up high for your foot clamp, efficiency

*Focus: mid-range time domain, focus on consistent times for each round

Earlier Event: April 2
Day 2 Week 1 of 2 Sample
Later Event: April 4
Day 4 Week 1 of 2 Sample