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Day 4 Week 1 of 2 Sample

0:00-15:00 General/Specific Warm-up

15:00-20:00 Transition to Energy System/Core

20:00-32:00 Energy System/Core

32:00-40:00 Transition to WOD

40:00-55:00 WOD

55:00-60:00 Cool-down

General Warm-up:

2 Rounds

20sec Banded Lat Stretch each side

20sec Banded Hip Flexor Stretch each side

30sec Wall Sit

Strength Warm-up:

3 Rounds

10/8 Calorie Row

10 Dead Bugs

Energy System/Core:

3 Rounds:

2 minute time block: 1 minute max calorie row + Front Plank with remaining time

2 minutes rest

*this allows two people to use each rower, start some on row/core and some on rest…you could probably even get three with a quick transiton (would go to 45sec max calorie row if you need three people to use one rower)

*increasing heart rate then working on core stability while breathing

WOD Prep

2-3 Rounds

10 MB Sit-ups

10 MB Squats



Row at Total Calories from Above

MB Sit-ups same reps as calories

Beginner: AbMat Sit-ups

Scaled: 14/10

Rx: 20/14

*if more than 8 people in class then you can make this a partner workout, split reps as needed…or have them alternate rounds of run/row…40-50 cals = 400m, 51-60 cals = 600m, 71+ cals = could do a partner workout up to 16 people

*Pace Goal: Enjoy Fitness and creating ABs for summer time :)

*Row: if your total calories from the 3 rounds in the previous section was 60 then you row 60 calories each round for this WOD, higher time domain, steady/consistent pace

*Sit-ups: same reps as row, touch MB above head, sit-up and touch toes with MB, try to just keep breathing and moving

*Focus: chipping away at higher rep cardio and core

Earlier Event: April 3
Day 3 Week 1 of 2 Sample
Later Event: April 5
Day 5 Week 1 of 2 Sample