What weight should I choose?


Choosing your weight for the workout can be a difficult thing sometimes. What is the best way to go about this? It all comes down to what the intended stimulus is for the workout. Too many times people get hung up on what Rx is instead of looking at the workout to see what they should be focusing on when selecting their weight. The intention of the workout should be communicated to you, if not, then ask.

Let’s look at an example:

For Time:

100 x KB Russian Swings

100 x Hang KB Snatches

The weight not only depends on the individual, but want you want to work on. For each person that could be different. Some need to focus on endurance, others on strength and it’s always good to improve the middle ground of stamina. So What would that look like you ask, let’s break it down.

STRENGTH: (men’s/women’s)

Level 3: 90/70, Level 2: 70/53 or Level 1: 53/35

Intended completing time: 12-14 min

14-17 reps per minute to complete in that time frame

STAMINA: (men’s/women’s)

Level 3: 70/53, Level 2: 53/35, or Level 1: 35/26

Intended completing time: 10-12 min

17-20 reps per minute to complete in that time frame

ENDURANCE: (men’s/women’s)

Level 3: 53/35, Level 2: 35/26, Level 1: 26/18

Intended completing time: 8-10 min

20-25 reps per minute to complete in that time frame

This is a very basic example, a lot more detail could be discussed. However, this should give you a good frame of reference moving forward. Choosing the right weight is something that takes time, trial and error. Understand what the goal is, select your weight accordingly and make adjustments as needed.

Stay the course, trust the process and keep working hard!

GO BEYOND better, to your very best.