0:00-15:00 General Warm-up
15:00-20:00 Transition to Strength
20:00-36:00 Strength
36:00-43:00 Transition to Workout
43:00-55:00 Workout
55:00-60:00 Cool-down
3 Rounds
30sec Wall Sit
30sec Front Plank
10 Banded Squats
Lower Body Strength:
16 minute time block:
7x3 Pause Back Squats
*full 3 count at the bottom
2 Rounds For Time:
50 Russian KB Swings @53/35
40 KB Russian Twists
30 Toes to Bar
*Pace: Aggressive: 10:00, Solid: 11:00, Limit: 12:00
*big sets on all movements, push to stay consistent in round 2
Beginner: 26/18, Lying Straight Leg Raises
Scaled: 35/26, Hanging Straight Leg Raises