0:00-15:00 General Warm-up
15:00-20:00 Transition to Strength
20:00-36:00 Strength
36:00-45:00 Transition to Workout
45:00-55:00 Workout
56:00-60:00 Cool-down
1) Warm-up:
3 Rounds
10 Plate Bus Drivers
10 Plate Ground to Overhead
10 Plate Drags
20 Plate Hops
2) Flex Friday:
15 minute time block
6 sets
12 Alternating Double DB Curls (6 each arm)
12 Barbell Wrist Curls
12 Single KB Leg Raises (6 each arm)
*hold both DBs, alternate arms for 12 total, 6 each arm
*Barbell behind back for wrist curls
*on your back, hold KB in one arm above chest, complete 6 leg raises then switch arms, complete another 6 reps
3) Workout:
As Many Reps as Possible in 10 minutes:
25 Box Jumps @24/20”
50/32 Calorie Row/Ski
25 Box Jumps
50 Wall Balls @20/14
Max MB Box Step-overs with remaining time
*stagger start if needed because of class size
Pace: Aggressive: 6:00/60 Box Step-overs, Solid: 7:00/45 Box Step-overs, Limit: 8:00/30 Box Step-overs
Beginner: 16/12”, 40/32, 10/8
Scaled: 20/16”, 14/10
Rx: 24/20”, 20/14