Coach’s choice (general stretches, increase core temperature and heart rate)
3 Rounds
10 Single DB Chest Flys (5 each arm)
10 Single DB Reverse Flys (5 each arm)
10 Plank Up Downs
*after completing this go to the board to go over the set-up for maxing on bench along with key points on the movement and the mindset of maxing out, give them time to get out benches and weights then start the clock for the warm-up and max out
Explanation and Set-up for next section
3) Upper Body Strength:
Every Minute on the Minute for 5 minutes:
6 Bench Press @empty barbell + 5 Ring Rows
5 Bench Press @40% + 5 Ring Rows
4 Bench Press @50% + 5 Ring Rows
3 Bench Press @60% + 5 Ring Rows
2 Bench Press @70% + 5 Ring Rows
*important to warm-up the back muscles as well so you are ready to stabilize during bench Press, this is moving pretty quickly to get the reps done and change weight, but it will get their heart rate up a bit and the muscles warm and ready to rock, most people don’t warm-up enough before maxing out
10-minute time block:
Work to 1-rep max Bench Press
*recommend going every 90 seconds to 2 minutes, this would be 5-7 lifts, the first 2-3 should be between 80-90%, then start going for a new 1rm
Transition for MetCon
4) MetCon:
*give them time to put all barbells, weights and boxes away then bring them to the board to review the key points of the workout and movements, then give them time to warm-up the movements before beginning
*Box Jump Overs: two foot take off and landing, you do not have to stand up on top of the box, step or jump down, I prefer the pivot/step-off method so you are back facing the box and ready to go
*S2OH: keep DB parallel to the ground in contact with your shoulder (don’t tip up the front side to the sky), good dip with knees out and whole foot on the ground, drive into push press or push jerk
As Many Reps as Possible in 10 minutes:
2 Box Jump Overs
2 Single DB Shoulder to Overhead
4 Box Jumps Overs
4 Single DB Shoulder to Overhead
*Pace: Aggressive: 150 total Reps, Solid: 130 Total Reps, Limit: 110 Total Reps
*steady on the BJO, switch hands when needed on the S2OH, try to not set the DB down during S2OH
Beginner: 16/12”, 25/15
Scaled: 20/16”, 35/20
Rx: 24/20”, 50/35
Rx+: Box Clear Overs @24/20”, 70/50