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Week 52 Week 6 Day 1



Coach’s choice (general stretches, increase core temperature and heart rate)



3 Rounds

10/8 Calorie Row

10 Barbell Good Mornings @empty barbell

10 Squat Jumps

*leave rowers out, need them for the MetCon


Explanation and Set-up for next section


3) Olympic Lifting:

*after specific warm-up, go over what will happen below in working towards the 1rm, then have them load around 40% on the bar and take them through the first 2 minutes on command. Say “one” they take the barbell from the ground to their knee, hold for about 2-3 seconds, say “two” they take the bar to the high hang/launch position, legs should still be loaded in the “dip” position, hold 2-3 seconds, say “go” they complete the high pull, repeat for rep 2. They will now know what 2-position means so they can be ready for the next couple minutes, go on command again for the complex. I would also go on command for the slow squat clean on a slow count of “1,2,3,4, go”, at 4 they should be at the high hang/launch position, on go they complete the squat clean, this is continuous movement, but very slow to focus on hitting the right positions and bar path

*this should get them primed and ready to max. I would recommend people attempting a lift every 90 seconds to 2 minutes, this would be 5-7 lifts. The first 2-3 reps should be at 80-90%, then they begin going for a new max


Minutes 1-2: 2-position Clean High Pulls x 2 reps @40-50%

Minutes 3-4: 2-position Power Clean + Front Squat @50-60%

Minutes 5-6: Slow Squat Clean @60-70%

10-minute time block:

Work to Squat Clean 1-rep max


Transition for MetCon


4) MetCon:

*after cleaning up their weights, the rowers should already be out from the warm-up, go over the workout and key points of the movement as you demonstrate them, then you can give them time to warm-up before going. Know that the row will also get them warm for those other movements

*Row: find a place to breath in rhythm (front or the back), good leg drive and pull, get the handle past your knees before recovering forward

*Wall Balls: arms length away from the wall (both hands out in front of you) is a good recommendation, full depth, good leg drive to get momentum into the wall ball, breath after releasing to manage your heart rate

*Toes to Bar: good kip, focus on pulling down into the bar with straight arms, sits hip back as feet come up

9-minute time block:

500m/400m Row Buy-in

AMRAP w/remaining time:

7 Wall Balls

7 Toes to Bar

*Pace: Aggressive: 1:35/8 Rounds, Solid: 1:45/7 Rounds, Limit: 2:00/5 Rounds

*push hard on the rower, try to stay unbroken throughout for wall balls and T2B

*stagger the start

Beginner: 10/8, Lying Straight Leg Raises

Scaled: 14/10, Hanging Straight Leg Raises

Rx: 20/14

Rx+: 20/14, everything must be unbroken



Earlier Event: October 9
TEENS Week 5 of 5 Day 1
Later Event: October 10
Week 52 Week 6 Day 2