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TEENS Day 2 Week 1 of 3 In The Open Cycle

0:00-15:00 General Warm-up

15:00-20:00 Transition to Skill Strength

20:00-32:00 Skill Strength

32:00-43:00 Transition to WOD

43:00-55:00 WOD

55:00-60:00 Cool-down


3 Rounds

10 Front Lunge to Balance (5 each leg)

*front lunge, push back up and slight pause balancing on one leg, leg you pushed off of is up, knee even with hips

15 sec Handstand Hold on Wall

Skill Strength:

Alt. EMOM 12 (6 sets each):

10 Pistols (5 each leg)

20’ Handstand Walk

*hardest version of each you can, listed below

Pistols: Weighted, Regular, Heel lift Pistol, Full Box Pistol, 1/4 Box Pistol, Heel Hook Pistol, Split Squat

Handstand Walk: Regular, Lateral Wall Walks (5 each way), Full Wall Walks (3 reps), 1/2 Wall Walks (3 reps), Plank Walks (10’ each direction)



20 Russian KB Swings

50 Double Unders

20 Box Jump Overs

*Pace Goal: 4-6 Rounds

*Swings: push to stay unbroken, good hip hinge, arms relexed

*Double Unders: relaxed shoulders, quick off the ground, quick wrists

Beginner: 26/18, Line Hops, 16/12”

14-15: 35/26, and/or Single Unders, 20/16”

16-17: 53/35, 24/20” and/or Single Unders