0:00-15:00 General Warm-up
15:00-20:00 Transition to Strength
20:00-35:00 Strength
35:00-45:00 Transition to WOD
45:00-55:00 WOD
55:00-60:00 Cool-down
3 Rounds:
20sec Glute Bridge Hold
10 KB/DB Goblet Squats
20 Shoulder Taps
Lower Body Strength:
Every 3 minutes for 15 minutes:
6 Front Squats + 12 Single KB/DB Goblet Squats
*both movements back to back then rest for remaining time
*controlled reps for all movements, time under tension helps with increasing muscle size and muscular endurance
5 Rounds For Time:
10 Single KB Upright Rows
12 Single KB Shoulder to Overhead
14 AbMat Sit-ups
*Pace Goal: 8:00-10:00
*Upright Rows: both hand on one KB, no help from legs, pull up with elbows high
*KB S2OH: 6 each arm, switch hands when needed
*Sit-ups: steady movement
Beginner: 26/18, use DB if needed on S2OH
14-15: 35/26
16-17: 53/35