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Day 6 Week 4 of 4 Oly Cycle

0:00-15:00 General Warm-up

15:00-20:00 Transition to WOD

20:00-46:00 WOD

46:00-55:00 Optional Cash-out challenge

55:00-60:00 Cool-down

General Warm-up

2 Rounds

20sec Forearm stretch each side

20sec calf stretch each side

20sec Pigeon stretch each side

Movement Prep

WOD Prep:

2-3 Rounds

50m Carry

10 Air Squats

50m Jog

5 Toes to Bar


5 Rounds For Time

100m Single KB Farmer’s Carry

20 Air Squats

100m Run

20 Toes to Bar

*Pace Goal: 20:00-24:00, cap 26:00

*Carry: switch hands when needed

*increasing heart rate and grip to challenge the skill of T2B

Beginner: 4 Rounds, 26/18, Lying Straight Leg Raises

Scaled: 35/26, Hanging Straight Leg Raises

Rx: 53/35

Optional Cash-out

10/15/20 challenge

10 cal bike, 15 cal ski, 20 cal row…done as a waterfall

Earlier Event: May 3
Day 5 Week 4 of 4 Oly Cycle