Coach’s choice (general stretches, increase core temperature and heart rate)
5 x Hang Clean High Pulls
4 x Hang Power Cleans
3 x Front Squats
3) Olympic Lifting: Clean early pull
Every Minute on the Minute for 14 minutes:
Sets 1-4: 2-position Clean High Pull x 3 (light to moderate weight, build as you can, technique most important)
Set 5: rest/review of next movement
Sets 6-9: 2-position Power Clean x 3 (moderate weight, build as you can, technique most important)
Set 10: rest/review of next movement
Sets 11-14: Power Clean x 2 (build to heavy double, NOT MAX, technique most important)
*focus of the 2-position movements is to get to a good hang position then really work on the transition back to the launch point to avoid the early pull with your arms…get to the launch then explode with the upper body and finish with the pull underneath the bar
4) MetCon:
Every 3 minutes for 12 minutes (4 sets):
12 x Toes to Bar (Fitness: Hanging Straight Leg Raises)
8 x Alternating DB Snatch @Fitness: 35/20, Performance: 50/35, Sport: 70/50 (this is a good day to encourage people to go heavier on the DB, utilize the weights in between levels)
50m x Double DB/KB Farmer’s Carry @Fitness: 35/20, Performance: 50/35, Sport: 70/50
*score is your time each round
*Pace: Aggressive: 1:20/round or less, Solid: 1:40/round, Limit: 2:00/round