Coach’s choice (general stretches, increase core temperature and heart rate)
10 x Single Curl to Press (5 each arm)
10 x V-ups
3) Skillz: Pull-ups/Muscle-ups
Alternating Every Minute on the Minute for 12 minutes (6 sets each):
Movement 1:
Fitness: Double DB/KB Bent Over Rows x 8
Performance: (based off your max reps from last week, go off your lowest score)
Strict Pull-ups: (Sport: Strict Ring Pull-ups)
If your best set was 6 then do 6 sets of 4 reps each set here
If your best set was 5 then do 6 sets of 3 reps each set here
If your best set was 4 then do 6 sets of 2 reps each set here
If your best set was 3 then do 6 sets of 1 rep each set here
*weighted if you can on these
Movement 2:
Fitness: 15 x Push-ups (hardest version you can)
Performance: (based off your max reps from last week, go off your lowest score)
Strict Bar Dips (VIDEO): (Sport: Strict Ring dips)
If your best set was 6 then do 6 sets of 4 reps each set here
If your best set was 5 then do 6 sets of 3 reps each set here
If your best set was 4 then do 6 sets of 2 reps each set here
If your best set was 3 then do 6 sets of 1 rep each set here
*weighted if you can on these
4) MetCon:
Every 2 minutes for 14 minutes (7 sets):
5 x Deadlift @Fitness: 185/125, Performance: 225/155, Sport: 275/185
Max Bar Facing Burpees until the 1 minute mark, leaves 1 minute rest
*heavy deadlift into a cardio sprint, push HARD on the burpees, you get a full minute rest…this should be solid interval work
*Pace: Aggressive: 12+ burpees each round, Solid: 9 burpees each round, Limit: 6