Coach’s choice (general stretches, increase core temperature and heart rate)
10 x Single Arm DB Bent Over Rows (5 each arm)
10 x AbMat Sit-ups
100m jog
3) Skillz: Pull-ups/MU
Alternating Every 5 minutes for 15 minutes (1 round at each station):
*treat all stations as EMOM 5
1: Skill work with coach: (Fitness) Negative Pull-ups x 3, Negative Ring Rows x 5 if needed (Performance) Jumping Bar MU x 5, (Sport) Ring Swing Pulls x 3-5
2: Hollow Rocks x 20 seconds (Fitness: Single Leg 10 seconds each, Sport: Weighted)
3: Double DB Curls x 6 (last time was 8 reps, increase weight from that)
*negative pull-ups: use box to jump up, slow back down
*Jumping Bar MU: set height between elbow/mid forearm level…when standing on ground or box with arms overhead bar is elbow/mid forearm
*Ring swing pulls: working on opening up and getting comfortable swinging and timing up the pull to the rings
*put all fitness people in group (working towards pull-ups), all performance in a group (can do pull-ups, working towards BMU), all sport in a group (can do BMU, working towards RMU). The other two movements are simple so should not require any coaching…Fitness group can start with coach, Performance on leg raises, Sport on Curls, rotate at 5 minute mark. This allows the coach to only focus on the one group he is actively coaching.
4) MetCon:
6 Rounds For Time:
10 x Russian KB Swings @Fitness: 35/26, Performance: 53/35, Sport: 70/53 (Sport+: 90/70)
10 x KB Goblet Squats @Fitness: 35/26, Performance: 53/35, Sport: 70/53 (Sport+: 90/70)
100m Run
*good time to use a heavier KB than you normally do even if that is between levels
*Pace: Aggressive: 1:30/round (9:00 total time), Solid: 1:45/round (10:30 total time), Limit: 2:00/round (12:00 total time)