Coach’s choice (general stretches, increase core temperature and heart rate)
Hang Clean High Pull x 3
Power Clean x 4
Front Squats x 5
3) Olympic Lifting: Cleans
Every Minute on the Minute for 4 minutes:
Pause Power Front Squat x 2 @70+% of clean max and build
*working on body position in the catch, squat depth is the level of a deep power clean catch, brace core, elbows up, SOLID 5 second pause each rep
—1 minute rest/transition out of the rack—
Every Minute on the Minute for 6 minutes:
Power Clean @70+% and build
4) MetCon
Alternating Every 2 minutes for 16 minutes (4 sets):
8 x Squat Cleans @Fitness: 135/95, Performance: 165/115, Sport: 185/125 + Max Toes to Bar until the 2 minute mark (Fitness: Hanging Straight Leg Raises)
*squat cleans should be moderate to heavy singles, if you are smashing through TNG and/or in 45 seconds or less then put on more weight
*split class if needed because of rig space
*Pace: Aggressive: 1:00 for squat cleans/80+ T2B, Solid: 1:10 for squat cleans/60+ T2B, Limit: 1:20 for squat cleans/40+ T2B