Coach’s choice (general stretches, increase core temperature and heart rate)
3 Rounds
10 x Ring Rows
15 seconds x Bar Hang from rig
20 x Shoulder Taps
3) Auxiliary Strength:
Alternating Every Minute on the Minute for 15 minutes (5 sets of each):
Side to Side Knee Raises x 10 (scale to lying leg raises as needed)
Double DB Push-up to Row x 8 (push-up + row each arm = 1 rep, scale to knee push-ups as needed)
Single KB Suitcase Deadlift x 6 each side
4) MetCon:
For Time:
5 Rounds:
12 x DB Goblet Squats
12 x DB Hang to Overhead (hang snatch or hang clean & jerk)
30 x Wall Balls
*Pace: Aggressive: 7:00, Solid: 8:30, Limit: 10:00
Beginner: Air Squats, 25/15, 10/8
Intermediate: 35/20, 14/10
Advanced: 50/35, 20/14