Coach’s choice (general stretches, increase core temperature and heart rate)
3 Rounds
5 x PVC Muscle Snatch
5 x PVC Overhead Squats
5 x PVC Snatch Balance
3) Upper Body Strength:
16 minute time block:
Warm-up: 2 minutes of the time block
2 x Snatch @50%
2 x Snatch @60@
2 x Snatch @70%
1 x Snatch @75%
Working Sets: 13 minutes (going roughly every 90 seconds)
3 sets of 1 @80+%
3 sets of 1 @85+%
3 sets of 1 @AHAP (As Heavy As Possible with good technique)
4) MetCon:
As Many Rounds and Reps as Possible in 10 minutes:
5 x Deadlift
10 x Pull-ups
20 x Lateral Bar Hops
*Pace: Aggressive: 9 Rounds, Solid: 8 Rounds, Limit: 6 Rounds
Beginner: 135/95, Ring Rows, Lateral Step-overs
Intermediate: 155/105, Jumping or banded pull-ups, lateral line hops
Advanced: 185/125