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Day 5 Week 4 of 5 Phase 2 of 2 Lift-off Prep


Alternating Every Minute on the Minute for 12 minutes (4 sets each):

10 Double DB Reverse Flys

8 Ring Dips

4 Bruce Lees

*Bruce Lees: modify to one leg straight/one leg bent…or keep knees as tight to chest as possible and think of putting one vertebrae on the bench at a time as you slowly lower…put a heavy DB on the side of the bench that you are holding on to to anchor it down


As Many Reps as Possible in 9 minutes:

20 Wall Balls

20 MB Sit-ups

18 Wall Balls

18 MB Sit-ups

16,14,12, etc…

*Pace Goal: 7:00-10:00

Beginner: MB Thrusters, Sit-ups

Intermediate: 14/10

Advanced: 20/14

Sport: 25/20