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Day 3 Week 1 of 5 Phase 2 of 2 Lift-off Prep


As Many Rounds and Reps as Possible in 12 minutes:

12 Power Snatch

2 Rope Climbs

—3 minutes rest—

As Many Rounds and Reps as Possible in 12 minutes:

12 Single KB Hang Cleans

24 KB Russian Twists (12 each way)

*Pace Goal: 5-6 Rounds, 7-8 Rounds

*start people on different AMRAPs as needed

Beginner: 12 Alt. DB Snatch, 12 Ring Rows, 12 KB Upright Rows, 26/18

Intermediate: 95/65, half or 3/4 rope climbs, 35/26

Advanced: 115/75, 53/35

Sport: 135/95, 70/53