Coach’s choice (general stretches, increase core temperature and heart rate)
20 seconds x Bar Hang on rig
20 x Flutter Kicks
20 x Mountain Climbers
3) Skillz: Handstand Push-ups
8 minute coaching block:
Fitness (4 or less HSPU): Negative HSPU x 2 (VIDEO) or Wall Walk x 1 if cannot get upside down yet
Performance (5-10 unbroken kipping HSPU): 60% of your max unbroken set (if you can do 8 unbroken, do 5 each minute)
Sport (11+ unbroken kipping HSPU): 40% of your max unbroken set (if you can do 15 unbroken regular, do 6 deficit @4/2” each minute)
—1 minute transition—
8 minute training block:
Double DB Curls x 6
Double DB Reverse Flys x 6
*group people according to level (Fitness in one, Performance and Sport in the other, start Fitness on coaching block, switch after 8 minutes)
*the coach should review the 2 movements in the training block for everyone, this allows them to focus on the group they have during the coaching block while the others complete the movements in the training block
*in the coaching block, the time frame gives you 2 minutes to discuss the movement then it can be treated like an EMOM 6 with the programmed movement, coach helping/correcting each minute
4) MetCon:
For Time:
400m Run (should take no longer than 2:30)
50 x Pull-ups (Fitness: 20 x Rope Pulls, Sport: Chest to Bar)
400m Run (should take no longer than 2:30)
50 x Toes to Bar (Fitness: Hanging Straight Leg Raises)
*Pace: Aggressive: 9:00, Solid: 10:30, Limit: 12:00