Coach’s choice (general stretches, increase core temperature and heart rate)
5 x RDLs
5 x Hang Power Clean
5 x Front Squats
3) Barbell Cycling: Clean
Every 30 seconds for 2:30 (5 rounds): 3 sets, 2:30 rest in between sets
Round 1: 1 rep
Round 2: 2 reps
Round 3: 3 reps
Round 4: 4 reps
Round 5: 5 reps
*Set 1: Hang Power Clean @60-65% (same weight for all rounds), Set 3: Power Clean @70-75% (same weight for all rounds), Set 2: Front Squats @75-80% (same weight for all rounds)
4) MetCon:
For Time:
1,000m/800m Row
3 Rounds:
10 x Deadlift @Fitness: 155/105, Performance: 185/125, Sport: 225/155
10 x Burpee Box Jump Overs @Fitness: 20/16”, Performance/Sport: 24/20”
*2 SCORES: time of row and total time to complete everything
*stagger the start by 4 minutes to allow everyone to go in this order, faster rowers first, cheer each other on
*Pace: Aggressive: 3:30 or less on row/8:00 completion time, Solid: 4:00 row/9:00 completion time, Limit: 4:30 row/10:00 completion time