Coach’s choice (general stretches, increase core temperature and heart rate)
10 x Single DB Push Press (5 each arm)
10 x Single DB Lunges (5 each leg)
10 x Hollow Rocks
3) Olympic Lifting: Jerk
Alternating Every Minute on the Minute for 12 minutes (6 sets each):
Barbell Push Press x 5 (Sport: Split Jerk x 3)
Ring Rows x 8 (feet elevated if you can…remember, you control the difficulty, the more parallel to the ground you are the more difficult it is, these should be 8 challenging reps)
*balancing out pushing with pulling is essential for shoulder health and a stronger back will help with a stronger press
4) MetCon:
5 Rounds For Time:
20 x Russian KB Swings @Fitness: 35/26, Performance: 53/35, Sport: 70/53
15 x Box Jumps @Fitness: 20/16”, Performance: 24/20”, Sport: 30/24”
100m Run
*goal is for swings to be unbroken, steady on the box jumps, push the pace on the run
*Pace: Aggressive: 1:50/round (9:10 total time), Solid: 2:10/round (10:50 total time), Limit: 2:30/round (12:30 total time)