For time w/a Partner
100 Up on the Roof Tops Step Overs w/Toy Bag
100 Santa Goes Down (and Up) the Chimneys
100 Santa Toys Over the Shoulder and Under the Tree
100ft (each) Reindeer Prances
1 Mile Santa Run to Next House
100m Load the Sleigh and Go Home
For time w/a Partner
100 Up on the Roof Tops Step Overs w/Toy Bag= DBall Box Step Overs
100 Santa Goes Down (and Up) the Chimneys = Burpees
100 Santa Toys Over the Shoulder and Under the Tree= Dball Over Shoulder
100ft (each) Reindeer Prances = Dball Wallking Lunge
1 Mile Santa Run to Next House=DBall run
100m Load the Sleigh and Go Home=Sled Push