Pistols: mobility/balance/technique
HSPU/Pull-ups: 3 Rounds of 3-5 HSPU negatives and 3-5 pull-ups, 10 sit-ups
*break class in half…one half with coach on pistols, other half on the HSPU/Pull-up warm-up
Partner “Mary XXX”
10 Handstand Push-ups
20 Alt. Pistols
30 Pull-ups
15 Handstand Push-ups
30 Alt. Pistols
45 Pull-ups
20 Handstand Push-ups
40 Alt. Pistols
60 Pull-ups
25 Handstand Push-ups
50 Alt. Pistols
75 Pull-ups
30 Handstand Push-ups
60 Alt. Pistols
90 Pull-ups
Max Single DB Devil’s Press in 7 minutes
*Pace: Have some fun and get after it!
*split all reps as needed
Beginner: Double DB Push Press @25/15, Double DB Lunges @25/15, Ring Rows, 25/15
Intermediate: Double DB Push Press @35/20, Double DB Lunges @35/20, Ring Rows, 35/20
Advanced: 50/35
Sport: 70/50