Specific Warm-up:
5 Infant Squats
10 Iron Crosses
20sec Glute Bridge
Lower Body Strength
15-minute time block:
Work to Back Squat 3-rep max
*would recommend using the first 5 minutes as continued warm-up then going every 2-3 minutes (3-5 sets), first weight should be the heaviest weight you are 100% confident you can get for 3, second weight should still feel very doable, third weight and beyond is where you FAFO
20 Barbell Lunges
20 Lateral Bar Burpees
10 Barbell Lunges
10 Lateral Bar Burpees
10 Barbell Lunges
10 Lateral Bar Burpees
20 Barbell Lunges
20 Lateral Bar Burpees
*Pace: Aggressive: 8:00, Solid: 9:00, Limit: 10:00
*Lunges: really try to keep the barbell on your back for all lunges, even if you need to rest try to do that while on your back, the set of 20/10/10 should be very doable with that…it’s the last set of 20 that will be very challenging not to set it down
*Burpees: steady pace, force yourself to drop, you will get back up
Beginner: 45/35, Up down step overs
Intermediate: 95/65, step over bar
Advanced: 115/75
Sport: 135/95