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Workout #17

*For each workout there will always be a “Time Saver” version and the full version, along with Elite, Advanced, Rx and scaled options for each

Ladies WOD “Eva”:

1) Full Version:

5 RFT:

800m run

30 x KB Swings (Elite 90/70, Advanced 70/53, Rx 53/35, scaled 35/26)

30 x Pull-ups (Elite/Advanced C2B, Rx as is, scaled band)

2) Time Saver Version:


100m run

10 x KB Swings (same levels as above)

10 x Pull-ups (same levels as above)

This popular benchmark WOD is one of CrossFit's classic "Girls" WODs, and was first posted on the CrossFit Main Site as the workout of the day for Sunday, February 24, 2008 (080224).

"Eva" is named after Eva Twardokens (aka: Eva T.), who was one of CrossFit Founder Greg Glassman's original clients after the two reportedly met in a spin class. According to an article in BreakingMuscle, Eva, a recently retired two-time Olympian, was one of the absolute original CrossFit athletes, training with Glassman in the corner of a Jiu-Jitsu gym before Glassman even owned a gym of his own.

Eva is also a frequent star of old CrossFit workout videos, including the now-infamous "Nasty Girls" video. Appropriately, "Nasty Girls" was the spark for many other athletes' CrossFit journey.

Earlier Event: April 5
Workout #18
Later Event: April 12
Workout #19