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Day 6 Week 2 of 5 Phase 1 of 2 Lift-off Prep

*Repeat from 6/17/23


Teams of 3 For Time:

12 Rounds:

18 Toes to Bar

18 Cleans

*must alternate every 6 reps, one person working/two people resting

12 Rounds:

18 Deadliift

18 Bar Facing Burpees

*must alternate every 6 reps, one person working/two people resting

Pace Goal: 34:00-42:00

Beginner: 45/35, Ring Rows, 10/8, Ring Rows

Intermediate: 75/55, Chin over Bar, Jumping or Banded Pull-ups, 14/10, Jumping or Banded Pull-ups

Advanced: 155/105, 205/145

Sport: 185/125, 235/155